Terms And Conditions

You have accepted our offer and you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1) IMPORTANT - We reserve the right not to accept any job without first checking our availability.
2) Additional items may cause the price to rise slightly. (Except if a survey was done in advance, 1-5 boxes are not a problem).
3) If there are narrow/long hallways/corridors/stairs or corners that create difficulties and slows our movers work, an extra charge may occur. (Unless a survey was done in advance).
4) The customer must make all arrangements for the parking space, including any parking fees and permits. The price of the job will be renegotiated if the distance from our vehicle to the entrance is more than 20-25m.
5) We charge a minimum 75/h for Luton Vans and a minimum 90/h for MaxiMovers for any delay caused by third parties (such as waiting, delay in receiving the keys, etc. ). Prices can vary so please contact us ahead to confirm the hourly rate option.
6) Dismantling/reassembling services are not included in the price, unless it was priorly agreed.
6a) We will not take responsibility for any damage during the dismantle/assemble services
7) Packing/Unpacking Service - Not included in the price unless previously agreed.
Prices for packing/unpacking services are determined on the day you move. If the customer requests packing service when our team is on pickup adress, an additional charge may be applied for fuel and time if our team will need to return to our depot to pick up the packing materials.
8) If the job is cancelled/delayed within a short time (less than 7 Days), we reserve the right to charge 50-100% of the total price. 9)For Small moves we reserve the right to choose the timeslot ourself , if it wasnt agreed with the customer
10) We may accept other jobs onboard for small jobs, furniture delivery, or if you havent purchased an exclusive van.
11.) Any damages must be notified on delivery, or within 48 hours maximum, as otherwise, insurers and Removalss will decline to accept any claim.
12) You have the right to request us to unload your goods in your garage or another location if you do not have the keys to the property. If we don't
have the keys and you aren't happy with the delay, we won't be obliged to transport the goods to your home unless an additional charge is agreed. 13. If goods were delivered to one room on a flat-rate job (not per hour), then we will not accept to transport them to another room unless you agree to pay an additional charge.
14) The final payment must be made Before our team will start to unload the items. We Reserve the right to seized the items until the full payment will be made
15)If goods are taken into storage for any reason (due to non-payment, delivery, etc), we reserve the right to apply fees for storage and redelivery
17 All additional charges such as Tolls and Congestion Zone fees, parking fees and tickets, crossing charges, ULEZ, extra work hours, etc. will be invoiced to customers.
19) If the van is being loaded/unloaded from customers or goods are being transported to and from our van by family members or customers and if any furniture pieces are being assembled or disassembled by the customer, the insurance company and Removalss will not cover damages or loss.The same applies to all items, including expensive items 20. If the bags or boxes have been packed by the customer, and not by one of our staff members, then our insurance policy will not apply in the event of damage to the goods. 21. Any insult, rudeness, or inappropriate behavior towards any member of staff will result in the cancellation of services and the full payment.We reserve the right to select our customers.

Prohibited ITEMS

4.1 The following items cannot be removed or stored unless they have been previously approved in writing by a director of the company or another authorized representative. We will not move or store them under any circumstances.Items listed below 4.1.1 may pose risks to your health, safety, and fire.Other risks exist for items listed below 4.1.2 to 4.1.7. You are responsible for making arrangements for transport and storage.
4.1.1 Hazardous, dangerous or explosive items. This includes gas bottles, aerosols and paints.
4.1.2 Jewellery , watches, money, collections goods , etc
4.1.3 Products that encourage vermin and other pests, or cause infestation or contamination
4.1.4 We do not recommend goods that are dangerous to your health, unhygienic, or likely to attract vermin and pests.Without liability, we may refuse to accept such goods.
5.1.5 Perishable and/or fragile items that require a controlled environment
5.1.6 All animals, birds, fish, reptiles, or plants
5.1.7 Products that require special licenses or permissions from the government to export or import
5.1.8 We will not permit any prohibited or stolen goods, drugs, or pornographic material to be moved or stored under any circumstances.
5.2 If we agree to remove such goods , then goods will be transported without insurance and we will not be responsabile for any damage